Affiliation no. 2130490

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Principal's Desk

Education is the right of each and every child, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. S G Public Sr Sec School welcomes all the students to harness their capabilities and potential not only in academic skills but also in life values and vocational skills.

Education survives and emerges where everything else fails. It is a priceless gift of wisdom , a gift more precious than any materialistic gain.

The art of instruction is extremely subtle and delicate but a good school practices this art effortlessely. S G Public Sr Sec School harmoniously blends formal with informal information.

In this endeavour the school is supported by outstanding infrastructure where the classes and laboratories are well equipped. Thus our children stride out of school confident and well adjusted,ready to take their place in this competitive global world.

S G Public Sr Sec School is committed to growth, innovation and maintaining high standards of educational programmes mended with Indian cultural heritage. Here we encourage our students to dream beyond horizon.

The school enjoys a caring and open environment by which I mean an organization where every member enjoys a sense of freedom of mind and spirit thus turning school education into an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Mrs. Vibha Khanna